Mr. Ebilate Mac-Yoroki holds a B.Sc in Accountancy from the University of Science and Technology, Port-Harcourt (1984); and a Master degree in Strategic Management (2000) from Ogun State University. He is an accomplished stockbroker and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Stockbrokers (FCS). He is also an Associate Member Nigerian Institute of Management (ANIM). He started his career with Akinola Akintunde & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants (1985 – 1988); where he moved to Wintrust Limited, Lagos – Member of Nigerian Stock Exchange – (1988 – 1991) as Director, Corporate Finance. He is a founding Board member of City-Code Trust & Investment Company Limited and as well sits on the board of other companies including The Nigerian Stock Exchange a self-Regulatory organization in the Nigerian Capital Market.
Mr. Ebilate Mac-Yoroki was appointed as the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of CityCode Mortgage Bank Limited in the year 2014. The Bank under his watch has transformed into a global brand.